“The miserable have no other medicine but only hope.”
– William Shakespeare
Hope you are all staying safe and well. Vote. Wear masks. Six feet apart. Wash your hands.

“The miserable have no other medicine but only hope.”
– William Shakespeare
Hope you are all staying safe and well. Vote. Wear masks. Six feet apart. Wash your hands.
“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
Still working and writing on my biggest project yet. I just want to post and hope you all are doing well. Stay safe. Stay home. Wear your mask. Wash your hands. Listen to scientists.
Still working and writing. I just want to post and hope you all are doing well. Stay safe. Stay home. Wear your mask. Wash your hands.
I hope to go through and post some of what I have been doing this month as sort of a highlight and post about stuff I have worked on and what I am working on.
I hope this finds you safe. I have been holed up in my house and have been trying to pass the time with writing and being creative. I hope you have found something, anything to keep you going and maybe even easing back into activities with lots of precautions.
I do have a new book out. It feels weird to say, but I am proud of it. It’s FLATLINE by Gallant Knight Games! Cyberpunk and medical drama. If you have some time, check it out.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself and be kind.
Hope everyone is safe and sound.
Here are a few links to things you might be interested in while at home.
I have a podcast I am doing with my friend Joanna Nelius about relationships in horror called Tell Us What’s in the Box. Our first episode is up and second coming out Tuesday. I’ll link to our feeds in case you want to listen. Just pick the platform you want to listen to. We have an episode every two weeks.
I made a YouTube channel with my friends for drunken play readings. We do Shakespeare every other week and modern shows the alternate weeks. There are two up: Much Ado About Nothing and Midsummer Night’s Dream with a modern show Loose Ends going up on the channel this week and Macbeth will be live next weekend. Nathan is reading too so you can watch us both.
Also, the preview came out for Guardians of Novala. We have two things you can pick up now. One is the Book of Oracles which has a setting and system preview and an adventure. You have to sign up for the Oracles GM Benefit Program from Third Eye Games for that though. We also have Casting the Circle, which is just the setting. It’s totally free! Here is a link. I’d be interested to hear what you think.
We have another preview item called The Book of Three with three intro/preview adventures in it that will be coming out soon.
Stay safe. Survive is all you have to do.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Stay Safe. Stay smart. Help those who need it.
I just want to put forth a list of notable things for the month. I hope everyone is having a productive fall.
– I tried NaNoWriMo this year and managed some words and a lot of breakthroughs. I am happy with that.
– I have updated my Bibliography, so be sure to check that out.
– I have decided to apply for a Ph.D. in Creative Writing and I am very nervous and excited. I will update when I hear anything, of course!
– I am still working on RPG books. I have lots of great projects in the works and I can’t wait to see some of it finally come out.
– I was saddened to learn The One Ring: Second Edition will not move forward. Everyone worked so hard and were so lovely. I hope I can work with Cubicle7 in the future.
I hope everyone takes some time to relax and enjoy life this holiday season. It really goes by too fast.
October is always a big month for me, especially the 31st. It’s Halloween (my favorite holiday), my Anniversary (this year was 7th), Samhain (I’m Pagan), and it is the Kick-off party for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! I am participating this year and I am very excited about NaNo.
I wrote 13 little fictions leading up to Halloween and I thought I would share them here.
#12 He crouched down behind the car to remove the storm debris and then the engine started.
#11 I wanted to hold her heart forever. It bled more than I expected it to.
#10 Fourteen students went into the cemetery to do grave rubbings, fifteen came out.
#9 He tried to console everyone at the funeral, but they couldn’t hear him.
#8 I made my body as small as possible, pressing it against the closet walls. Then, a cold hand grabbed mine.
#7 My python loves me. He squeezes and squeezes. Can’t breathe.
#6 Can’t stop surfing the internet. I wish I could close my eyes. I wish I had eyes to close.
#5 Life gets a bit harder when your food runs. And screams.
#4 There is no hope. They are buried in my backyard.
#3 I would write you a letter pouring my life and blood on the page to tell you how I feel, but I would run out of blood before I finished.
#2 Bowl of eyes that can’t see, filled with those who couldn’t see me.
Special Halloween Story:
When I was maybe eight I had a friend named Misty and we would play in the house while our parents were outside. I had an Ouija board and one day we decided to play with it. We set it at the top of the stairs and started asking it questions. After the first two, the planchette flew off the board and into the little playroom we had at the top of the stairs. I went in to get and the door squeaked shut. I couldn’t open it and I yelled at Misty to let go of the door, but she said she wasn’t near it. I stepped away from the door and it started to open again, but when I stepped toward it, it would start to close. I decided to try to bust through and when I did it opened and I rushed right past Misty and feel down the stairs, clutching the planchette. I never played with an Ouija board again.
It has been a busy month. I turned 40! It doesn’t seem like my life has gone by so fast, but it has. I posted 40 bits of wisdom of Facebook in the 40 days leading up to my 40th birthay and you can check that out here:
40 lessons I Learned in 40 Years
Also, the Sins of the Father Companion by Third Eye Games is out now! This was so fun to work on and look my name is on the cover:
Click HERE to check it out!
I am currently drafting two projects and have a bunch I am waiting to come back with edits. I am also, as, always trying to make time for my own projects and am now thinking about what I want to do for NaNoWriMo.
I hope you are doing well and your own projects/work is going well. See you next month!