I participated in this really neat project.
For those who don’t know, an Exquisite Corpse poem is when multiple writers send in lines of poetry (usually based off of a theme) and those lines are strung together to make a poem. You can check out the one I contributed to at the above link. This was the Halloween edition and I think it came out great.
This is hosted and run by Angela Yuriko Smith, who is a fantastic writer and you should check her out!
The other cool part is that I won the drawing she does for prizes. All participant names get put together and one gets randomly selected. This time it was me! I usually don’t win these type of things, so it was really neat to win. What did I win?
Some dirt from the grave of Edgar Allen Poe in a necklace. Isn’t that cool? I just got it in the mail. It is super neat.